Friday, June 26, 2015

Love is Love

Oh, what a happy day here in San Francisco (and across the U.S.! And apparently in Canada, too!)!

My heart feels so happy and full for my LGBT friends today. As a country we're very late to the party, but I'm still so proud of America. It's been interesting to watch the evolution of feelings towards marriage equality -- in high school "so gay" was a derogatory term used freely and excessively, whereas now it's completely taboo to refer to anything as gay that isn't, well, gay.

In my personal life, it was incredibly cool to watch my parents befriend a young gay couple in Salt Lake City. Not that they were homophobic, but I can't say I ever really expected to dance with my parents to "Summer Lovin'" at an HRC gala with a bunch of men wearing lip gloss.

I'll be celebrating tomorrow by (naturally) going to the brand new SoulCycle Castro studio with my gay BFF. And in the meantime here are some of my favorite posts (because my newsfeed has been vomiting rainbows and I love it) to commemorate this momentous and long-awaited day:

1. Palm to face (Not touching but too funny not to include.)
2. The Onion had a field day with this one.
3. How We Changed Our Thinking on Gay Marriage. I especially like the clip from the Baptist pastor.
4. TedTalks on Love. I haven't actually watched these yet but I love LZ Granderson from reading his blog posts on CNN, so I imagine this'll be good...
5. So much love!

Have a wonderful weekend celebrating equality :)

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