Monday, February 10, 2014

This video gets its own post

Cam just sent me this video and it. is. awesome. Ira Glass is the host of 'This American Life', a podcast I often listen to on Stitcher. In this short clip, he talks about the creative process and the importance of sticking with it, even when the results/successes seem dismal.

THE GAP by Ira Glass from frohlocke on Vimeo.

I read a lot of bad blogs, and a lot of great blogs, and more often than not I find that I categorize my own blog into the former category. My interpretation of Glass' argument is that by simply having the objectivity to realize that your work isn't actually the best around, because you can recognize the best around, the potential is there. Potential + recognition that you kind of suck + good taste + lots of work = success, yeah?

As a side note, I embedded this video in my blog using HTML, which probably isn't that impressive but is also proof of what we can do after lots of repetition -- this is blog post #99, and I wouldn't have figured that out on post #1 :).

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