Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cam's new job, and why it's awesome

Cam got a job! He's an Android developer at Sticher, an online platform for talk radio (think Spotify, but for NPR, TEDTalks, etc.). 

Why it's awesome: It is probably uncool and/or untrendy to admit that sometimes I really don't want to listen to music. I love music on my walk to work (my coworkers make fun of me for walking in the office rocking Dre Beats), as a means of waking up and feeling optimistic about the day by some combination of Ellie Goulding, John Denver, and Lil Wayne.... On my commute home though, I often feel like there is some kind of glaze or fog permeating my brain, and listening to a song might irritate me by being either too happy or too sad. Enter talk radio app on my iPhone. 

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE TEDTalks, and now I can listen to them without sitting in front of my computer. Yesterday I listened to an NPR: TED Radio Hour Podcast on Making Mistakes. It integrated three different TEDTalks, all relating to the importance of growing from our mistakes. 

My favorite speaker was Bene Brown, a professor at the University of Houston Graduate School of Social Work. Her talk was on vulnerability, and how it is absolutely crucial in finding and sustaining a life of importance. She brought up those people (you know, THOSE people) who post incredibly personal and awkward things on Facebook. She spoke on how that's not true vulnerability, and that "we share our stories with those who've earned the right to hear them" -- true vulnerability is calling a friend and asking them to dedicate their time to focus on an issue you deem important. 

Anyway, that's why Stitcher is cool! Because I was enlightened by a smart, interesting speaker all while walking through Chinatown on my way home from work. Download it now :).

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