Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Trying to find "success" in my twenties

Last week, after deciding that grad school was a no-go, I was feeling SO down about my job, my career goals, and my twenties in general. It's easy to feel helpless when you're working a thankless, entry level job and all of your friends are also griping about their own thankless, entry level jobs.  I always love talking to older people because they all seem to laugh and have the same, "no shit you don't have anything figured out, you're only 25" response. As long as we're trying, right? Right!?
Two different posts that made me feel much happier about this what-is-my-life funk. The first is on my favorite blog, A Cup of Jo, where she emphasizes the fact that almost all really successful people had to go through a similar funk or feeling of WTF before reaching their goals.

Almost too fittingly, one of my Quora weekly digest questions (if you don't use Quora, basically you ask a question, people answer, and answers get up-voted so that the best or most relevant is on top) was "what should I do with my early life crisis?". A bunch of people answered, and here's an excerpt from the response that resonated most with me:

"Do your peers all seem more confident and directed than you? They're not. Most of them are faking it or just aren't as introspective as you are. Talk to them in 20 years and they'll tell you how frightened and confused they were back when they were in college. So the first thing to realize is that feeling lost is part of being a 20-something. " - Marcus Geduld

The lost feeling is real, it shouldn't be sugarcoated, and we WILL find the right way eventually. :)

(Photo by Demetri Martin via A Cup of Jo)

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